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College level argumentative essay topics

College level argumentative essay topics

200 Best Argumentative Essay Topics For College Students,Good Argumentative Essay Topics

WebJun 2,  · What makes a good argumentative essay? Strong argument. To write a compelling essay that persuades your reader, start with a strong argument. Start with a WebHere are some sample statements from college students that you can argue for or against: Divorce destroys family life. There shouldn't be a Author: Virginia Kearney WebAug 16,  · College level debates are of high intensity. Similarly, topics should be of high-level arguments. Arguments in argumentative essay topics for college include WebOct 3,  · 12 Best Persuasive Speech Topics for College Students How important is mental health? Is online school more effective? Are GMO products good? Is social media ... read more

Show your readers that you can change your position if you see some compelling data. It can give you some extra credit. The best persuasion topics for college create an environment for debates and discussions. Be unique! In colleges, the amount of papers done daily is enormous. The topic of environmental protection is undoubtedly extremely significant. However: It is way too overused. The professors are tired of reading essays on the same issues again and again. Surprise them and stand out. Clock image. An educational system should encourage creativity. Student diversity should be present in a school classroom. Why should college students care about their mental and physical health? Why should computer science programs be taught in colleges and universities?

Why reading performance of students with learning disabilities should be improved? Studying abroad results in better education. Foreign language learning should be mandatory in school. Conduct research on how foreign languages influence children and teenagers. What are the positive sides of such education? Then, persuade your readers that foreign languages are essential in the school core curriculum. Art classes should be a priority in middle school. Elaborate on the importance of the development of the sense of art for children and teenagers. Why should art classes be higher in the list of priorities than technical or science courses? How can the right perception of art help pupils in future life?

The core curriculum of the high school should not be too broad. Why do we have to narrow down our focus in high school? Explain how teenagers will benefit from studying particular subjects instead of getting general knowledge. Convince your readers about the importance of focusing on a specific field in high school. A gap year before entering the university is beneficial. Give persuading evidence why students should take a gap year. What are the advantages? Make your readers debate whether a gap year is worth considering. Finally, convince them that it is worth it. Mobile phones should not be allowed in school. State your position regarding the usage of smartphones during the learning process.

What adverse ramifications do the mobile phones have on the academic results of pupils? Persuade your readers to prohibit phone usage in school. Traditional education is more effective than remote learning. How the benefits of the conventional way of learning outweigh the advantages of remote education? Compare the aspects of remote learning for different age groups: 1st grade age, 6th grade age, and a college student. The American Revolution was a turning point in USA history. The media played a crucial role in promoting the Vietnam War. Technological advancement of the 17th century was a new era in world history. The historical influence of Abraham Lincoln should become a role model for modern political figures. Americans should have abolished slavery in the United States way earlier.

The four voyages by Christopher Columbus are crucial in the progress of world history. Cultural exchanges in the medieval period significantly impacted the civilizations. Protestant reformation was the most influential Christian movement. Japanese women in the Middle Ages should have been more powerful. The age of exploration. Who are the key figures? How did they impact world history formation? Convince your readers of the importance of the age of exploration. The Mayan calendar system did not predict the end of the world. Investigate the Mayan calendar system. What is your explanation of the fact that the calendar system ended in the year ? Persuade your readers that the suggestions about the end of the world in are false. Racial discrimination in America violated human rights to a great extend.

Give a brief overview of racial discrimination in the USA. Persuade the readers to perceive racial discrimination as an act of human rights violation. Apollo 11 — the first spaceflight that landed people on the Moon. Discuss the importance of this event. Convince your readers about the significance of the Moon exploration. History studying should become the top priority for students. The knowledge of history may help to prevent mistakes from the past. So, persuade your readers to explore historical events. Holocaust should not be justified and denied. What are the horrible consequences of holocaust tragedy? Analyze an opinion regarding the denial of the holocaust.

Persuade the readers not to support this idea. Civil rights of black Americans should not be limited. Migration should not be restricted because it has certain benefits to modern countries. In the battle of socialism vs. democracy , the second one should win. Nationalism in international relations should be accepted. E-government should become transparent and accountable for the citizens. Individual rights versus the common good. Express your position regarding the issue. What do you support: individual rights or common good?

Persuade the readers to follow your ideas. Gay marriage should be allowed. Elaborate on your arguments and provide counterarguments. Exclude harsh comments and offensive language from the narrative. The death penalty cannot be justified. Why do you think so? Give clear arguments to support your opinion. If you believe that the death penalty is justifiable, prove your position. Electronic voting in the United States should not be banned. Present the positive sides of this way of voting and convince the readers in your rightness. Then, provide counterarguments. Abortion should be legal. Provide clear arguments to express your position. Or provide counterarguments to contradict the idea of abortion legalization. Community services should be provided for mentally disabled people.

Equality and diversity are the main social issues. Interpersonal communication skills are crucial in modern society. Gender inequalities in the 21st century should be overcome. Should the Canadian government legalize prostitution? China should take specific steps to overcome the overpopulation problem. Implementing more tough punishments on the lawbreakers should reduce the crime rates of the USA. Does family promote or limit mobility? Choose one side of the issue and provide clear arguments to support your ideas. Divorce has negative effects on children.

Do you agree with this statement? Convince the readers to accept your point of view by stating your position clearly and powerfully. Birth control should be monitored on a governmental level. Express your opinion regarding birth control in modern society. Conduct a study on the cultural, religious, and political aspects of the birth control issue. Is there the right age to get married? Decide if there are any age suggestions to create a family or no? Support your choice with bright ideas and appropriate examples. To resolve the conflict, we need to know the nature of the conflict. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Provide strong arguments to make people believe in your point of view. How do you think psychology works while resolving the conflict?

Competing theories are the core of economic development. Demand and supply correlation in the market matters a lot. If we want to stabilize the economy, we have to implement the monetary policy. Should big banks be broken up? We should consider the relationship between money supply and inflation while preventing the high level of inflation. Industrialization plays a significant role in economic development. Should education sponsorship by alcohol and tobacco companies be banned? Should schools abolish standardized tests as a method of measuring student abilities?

Rewards for top-performing students or more support to poor performers: Which is more important? Arts subjects should be abandoned in school. Are school days too short? Cyberbullying: How should it be addressed? Are parents-teachers conferences necessary? What are the best methods of punishing deviant students? Therefore, great essay topic ideas for 6th graders include: Giving kids too much cash is bad. People who brutalize their pets should be jailed. Freedom of speech should be limited. Children who get poor grades should be punished. Shorter hair is better than longer hair. Why should we allow all students to go and study abroad? Every child should be allowed to own a smartphone. Computer games should be used for classroom training.

How do animals survive cold weather in Antarctica? Keeping pet monkeys is inhuman. Technology Topics Many of the debates that are happening today are regarding technology. Use these topics for your next argumentative essays : Will robots get to replace people at their jobs? Are the current technological developments necessary or should we focus in other things? Apple vs. Can technology and education work together? Is technology making people to become less proactive? Can Artificial Intelligence be dangerous? Can a bank account be safe enough not be hacked? Are humans already totally dependent of technology? Is technology affecting the environment?

Are video games harmful or useful? Teenagers Topics Being a teenager is complicated. Should teenagers drink alcohol? Should teenagers focus on their classes or on helping at home? Should teenagers smoke tobacco? Should teenagers say curse words? Should teenagers have sex? Do teenagers really know their sexual orientation? Is it ok for teenagers to watch pornography? Why teenagers sometime enjoy more using their cellphones rather than sharing with their families? Should teenagers take their own decisions regarding extra-curricular activities? Should teenagers use date apps? Art Topics Art can be a subject for many debates.

These are some of them: Do the OSCARs rewards good films or very popular films? Old pop vs new pop. Is techno really music? Are women being underestimated in the film industry? Is graffiti art? Is art being appreciated the way it should be? Are ready-mades art? Is racism happening in the film industry? Auteur cinema vs commercial cinema. Is it ok to show explicit nudity in movies? Social Media and Advertising Social media is creating a lot of debates today. Check them out: Are social networks making people to be less social? Is it ok to show homosexual couples in advertisings? Is it ok to use Photoshop in women for advertising? Have women become objects thanks to advertising? Do we try to present a false version of ourselves in social networks?

Can relationships based on social networks work? Should explicit nudity be banned in social media? Can discrimination be eradicated from social media? Does advertising promote a vain lifestyle? Is social media affecting our languages? Sports Topics Debates can be created from anything, and that includes sports. These are some of those aspects: Can chess be considered a sport? Can video games be considered sports? Should sport players use steroids? Can sport teams be made up by both men and women? Why soccer players earn so much money? Are there good reasons to play sports?

Is it totally necessary to be in good health conditions to play a sport? Why golf is considered a sport? Can someone make of playing sports a living? Is it talent or hard work necessary for playing sports? Economics and Law Some of the argumentative essays made of a topic regarding economics or law are very controversial. Take some ideas from this list: Communism vs. Should companies give more days off? Is it ok to defend a criminal? Should death penalty exist? Should legal abortion be allowed? Is it acceptable to abuse verbally of an employee? Why women are better at running businesses? Why is corruption so common among presidents and governors? How reliable is the security system of your country?

Do poor people suffer more repression by the police? Try one of these for your next paper: Does the friend-zone exist? Is it better to marry while being young or while being old? Forgetting the birthday of your friend makes you a bad friend? Why are millennials underestimated? Do medicines really work or are they just placebo? Is it ok to flirt with a workmate? Is it wrong not to marry? Is it wrong not to have children? Do ghosts exist? Otherwise, your argumentative essay will lose its true essence. Writing with your personal authority on a topic makes you an expert, but you can do some research to identify plenty of authentic platforms both in favor and opposition of the topic to write on the best argumentative essay topics. By assessing these resources, you can present your views and opinions.

I am a proficient writer from the United States with over five years of experience in academic writing. I comfortably complete given assignments within stipulated deadlines and at the same time deliver high-quality work, which follows the guidelines provided. Essay Writing Guides 75 likes. Essay Writing Guides 24 likes. Essay Writing Guides 85 likes. Simply fill out the form, click the button, and have no worries! Give us feedback X. Thank you for your interest in our company. Unfortunately, we are not hiring writers now due to low season. We will be glad to review your application in the future. Forgot password. Plagiarism checker Do The Check Academic editing Ask For Help Samples database View Samples Base. Home Blog Essay Writing Guides. Good Argumentative Essay Topics For College Students 30 Jul Quick Navigation.

Get topics. Simple interface Works with any type of paper Absolutely free Unlimited attempts Generate. Get help Reviews. Was this article helpful? Yes �� No ��. Thanks for your feedback! Written by Dr. Karlyna PhD I am a proficient writer from the United States with over five years of experience in academic writing. Hire Writer.

The unique argumentative essay topics can spark readers' interest and provide ample room for persuasion. This is because argumentative essays turn theories into facts and give a valid argument based on evidence. They show that the writer has spent a considerable amount of time developing the argument position. People who are experienced in writing these essays often develop their own rules to follow. In the end, readers form their own opinions or arguments. These essays can help students understand different subjects with research.

The validity relies heavily on the material. Hence, simple issues need a much more straightforward approach. Nevertheless, you're dealing with a more controversial topic. You have to use many resources to back up your argument and claims. This brief guide will discuss an argumentative essay and share some important tips to write such essays effectively. We will also share a host of different topics that you can write about with us. Such an essay is a kind of an academic paper that can introduce different claims regarding both sides on a particular topic. Both sides can balance one if they can dominate. In contrast, the tone of the content will be based on the writer's authority on that particular subject.

The objective here is to convince the readers to change their opinion if they have a different one than the writers. So, you can always hire an argumentative essay writing service. Now, there are three different models that you can follow when writing these argumentative essays. How to pick a good topic for your argumentative essay is critical. It might seem that finding the best topic for the essay is something like finding a needle in a haystack, but that is not the case. You can easily choose the right topic. However, you have to make an outline based on credible sources and follow some core principles. You also can buy argumentative essay of your choice on any topic.

Most controversial topics here are highly prone to prejudice. And in most cases, they have some unconscious aim to prove some pre-assumed facts. So, when writing an essay task, it is always critical to truly understand both sides of a topic. The best way is to pick a basic and neutral topic to which the writer has an indifferent opinion. Here you can find plenty of argumentative essay tips that you can follow while choosing easy argumentative essay topics that you want to discuss in your writing:. One of the best subjects for your argumentative writing is society and culture. Most people spend their lives based on their moral code. It can be based on individual interests, philosophy, religion, experiences, etc. But everyone has a moral value. Here is a list of unique argumentative essay topics for college that you can choose based on the subject of society and culture.

Stuck with finding the right title? Get plenty of fresh and catchy topic ideas and pick the perfect one with PapersOwl Title Generator. If you enjoy studying history, there are tons of different history argumentative essay topics that you can write on. Here are a few to get you started. Build your thesis statement This is AI-powered online tool that lets you create a thesis statement about any topic you need. These are some interesting argumentative essay topics that you can use to write on the subject of social media:. Some of the best political science argumentative essay topics for argumentative writing on politics are as follows. Need help with writing an essay? Get your paper written by a professional writer.

How to end an argumentative essay is equally important as choosing evidence-based argumentative essay topics. And it's your tone that is the most critical aspect of this section of your essay. You need to speak with authority and bring out your most compelling points from the authority that you have gathered. Give your readers something to think about and form their own opinions. And in the end, you can give your call to action by implementing or correcting a current trend. There are many topics for argumentative essays on different subjects. But no matter what you do, you have to present the views in favor and opposition to the topic.

Otherwise, your argumentative essay will lose its true essence. Writing with your personal authority on a topic makes you an expert, but you can do some research to identify plenty of authentic platforms both in favor and opposition of the topic to write on the best argumentative essay topics. By assessing these resources, you can present your views and opinions. I am a proficient writer from the United States with over five years of experience in academic writing. I comfortably complete given assignments within stipulated deadlines and at the same time deliver high-quality work, which follows the guidelines provided.

Essay Writing Guides 75 likes. Essay Writing Guides 24 likes. Essay Writing Guides 85 likes. Simply fill out the form, click the button, and have no worries! Give us feedback X. Thank you for your interest in our company. Unfortunately, we are not hiring writers now due to low season. We will be glad to review your application in the future. Forgot password. Plagiarism checker Do The Check Academic editing Ask For Help Samples database View Samples Base. Home Blog Essay Writing Guides. Good Argumentative Essay Topics For College Students 30 Jul Quick Navigation. Get topics. Simple interface Works with any type of paper Absolutely free Unlimited attempts Generate. Get help Reviews. Was this article helpful? Yes �� No ��. Thanks for your feedback!

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Good Argumentative Essay Topics For College Students,Best Argumentative Essay Topics

WebHere are some sample statements from college students that you can argue for or against: Divorce destroys family life. There shouldn't be a Author: Virginia Kearney WebOct 3,  · 12 Best Persuasive Speech Topics for College Students How important is mental health? Is online school more effective? Are GMO products good? Is social media WebJun 2,  · What makes a good argumentative essay? Strong argument. To write a compelling essay that persuades your reader, start with a strong argument. Start with a WebAug 16,  · College level debates are of high intensity. Similarly, topics should be of high-level arguments. Arguments in argumentative essay topics for college include ... read more

Argumentative Essay Topic on Gender Issues Do Parents Have Different Hopes and Standards for Their Sons Than for Their Daughters? Chat Now! Argumentative Essay Topics for High School Is homeschooling better than the public school educational system? Traveling is affordable for everyone. Equality and diversity are the main social issues. Should humans use animals for research? How Concerned Are You About Climate Change?

It requires students to develop and articulate a clear position on their respective research topic. Some of the more frequently discussed ones include sample essays. Do teenagers really know their sexual orientation? Show your readers that you can change your position if you college level argumentative essay topics some compelling data. Free college essays collection is a good place to check out as a part of your session. Analyze an opinion regarding the denial of the holocaust. Are computer games harmful or beneficial?

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