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Professional development essay

Professional development essay

Essays on Professional Development,Professional Development Essay: Critical Reflection On Skills And Knowledge

WebFeb 17,  · Professional development is the strategy used by schools to ensure that educators continue to strengthen their practice throughout their career. The most effective professional development engages teams of teachers to focus on the needs of WebIntroduction This paper explores the concept of planning professional development to meet the needs of special education students by examining articles from scholarly WebIn this professional development essay, I will illustrate the necessity and importance of professional development and the way it has helped me in analyzing my skills and WebIt is recommended that companies planning to design professional development programs create individual plans based on the following elements of design: gap identification, WebAug 27,  · Leadership and professional development is the bread and butter to a well established team. In this essay, a number of leadership and change management ... read more

At WebCE, we know education is an important part of professional development. WebCE offers online learning opportunities for professionals in several fields , ranging from insurance, finance, tax and accounting, real estate, and funeral. Propel your professional development and your career today with WebCE. At WebCE, we are passionate about delivering exceptional professional development solutions. With world-class customer support and education to serve multiple professions, we're here to help professionals reach their career goals. Sign In Chat What Is Professional Development and Why Is It Important?

by Trevor Antley Jul 16, Are you or your company looking for online workplace training, including anti-money laundering , fraud prevention , cybersecurity training , and continuing education courses? We can create a custom training program to fit your or your company's needs. Click here to learn more. Contents What Is Professional Development? Why Is Professional Development Important? What Is the Purpose of Professional Development? What Are the Benefits of Professional Development? How Can I Improve My Professional Development? What Are Examples of Professional Development?

What Is Professional Development? Obtain a Certification, License, or Professional Designation. Professional Development by Industry. Professional Development for Insurance Professionals Successful insurance professionals always invest in their professional futures. Learn More About Professional Development for Insurance Producers Professional Development for CFP ® Professionals Every CFP ® professional understands the importance of professional development. Begin Your Professional Development With Online Learning. CE Catalog Industry Training Certification Catalog. Quick Links. Contact Us. Business Solutions. Special Offers. All Products. Business Continuity.

Do Not Sell or Share My Information. Pages: 6. Words: It would be prudent first to ensure that the patient is not in need of immediate medical attention despite the fact that the patient has been binge drinking. It would be important first to sit down with her and make her understand the situation why policy has to be followed. Ordering a baseline physical examination would be significant in ensuring that the patient is not in need of immediate medical attention, and this would allow for transfer to the county facility in case the condition is not that serious.

Furthermore, a different physician would be used for the test since the earlier one seems to be angry and may not be in the right frame of mind while conducting the test. It is important to ensure the daughter understands that, in case, the father is not in a serious medical condition you would have to follow hospital policy and order a transfer. No limitations on resource allocations may make the decision easier to some extent but not entirely. One has to deal with the frustrated physician in this situation. There may be challenges of availability of physicians or even only one physician may be available at the time.

If the physician indicates that, he cannot perform a physical examination on the patient, then a situation of neglect may arise, and patients may think that they are being discriminated. The problem needs to be addressed from a multidimensional perspective. As a nurse leader, the aim is to advocate for policies and decisions that will help the patient. Despite issues of rising medical costs, a nurse has an obligation to the patient. Such a process helps a nurse to develop values and act more strongly towards addressing the needs of the patient no matter the situation. Patient safety and provision of quality care become important and such instances are addressed by ensuring that the patient does not need urgent medical attention. Since most of the cuts must come from the personnel budgets, it is important to understand that tough decisions and alternatives have to be made that will affect some of the employees.

Already the initial step in trying to have a common understanding of what will happen ahead has already taken place and employees are not voluntarily going to leave their jobs. Thus, an analysis or job evaluation may be significant in making a decision on what to do next. Firstly, from a personal opinion a reduction in my salary can be helpful as a first step in ensuring that some savings are achieved. Secondly, a sufficient reduction in the number of the patient population may be critical. However, since the goal of the hospital is to help treat individuals, a reduction of the patient population will be done based on the level of seriousness of the condition of a patient. In making a decision on which employees to retain and which ones to let go, it will be prudent to evaluate their importance based on the level of necessity patients needs them.

Based on Mrs. Potter experience letting her go completely may be disastrous to the organization. As such, an option of changing her contract to work part-time and reducing her salary would help in addressing the situation. Already based on her situation, she will be able to support herself and plus having her part-time job may be critical in assisting the staff to maneuver through the different challenges that she may have experienced in her long career. Long would have to be let go as her only motivation for doing her work is for her personal needs. Her job description would have to be distributed to the other staff. Furthermore, it is important for the agency to maintain licensed staff being at a higher percentage that will cut on costs Marquis and Huston, Additionally all other staff members would have to take mandatory pay cuts, which would be dependent on a person's family and personal obligations.

Such a decision to retain all other employees may provide the least disruption to the operation of the agency. The challenge the employees will have to deal with is the extra workload. Group decision making can be involved in this situation in the initial stages, if the group comes up with ways of addressing the fiscal problem, then it becomes easier for the agency to implement and function. However, sometimes group decisions may not develop a solution to a problem, which then leaves the project director with the sole responsibility of making decisions to ensure the functioning of the agency. It is important to consider value judgment in making fiscal decisions since, ignoring them may have consequences on patient safety. Thus, value judgment becomes important.

In the next ten years, it is crucial that I ensure balancing of my work life and personal life. As a nurse, I plan to ensure that I get proper training and experience the nursing field through different opportunities and internships. To get to where I am at the moment I have scarified a lot in terms of time and energy and for the next ten years will have to sacrifice even more since, responsibilities such as families will arise. Developing goals will ensure that I do not sway from attaining the desires of by nursing profession and ensure that any change that happens is geared towards fostering my nursing career.

It is crucial getting clinical experience in the initial years as a graduate nurse. By learning new kills and attending mandatory training with regular updates enables me to increase my knowledge and progress my working practices. It also assists me to be responsive and adaptable when …. Scholar-Practitioner Model versus Practitioner-Model and its Impact on My Professional Development Abstract The practitioners-scholar approach is the model I plan to follow to pursue my long-term professional goals of working as a consultant. Understanding the distinction between scholar, practitioner, scholar-practitioner and practitioner-scholar all are instrumental …. To make sure the best solution will be generated once the problem is defined, guidance of idea generation techniques is significantly important in breaking down the barriers to generating.

Mental blocks are mainly the hindrance on the progress toward a solution. Mental blocks can be …. Answer CASE STUDY : 1 A policy is a plan of action. It is a statement of intention committing the management to a general course of action. When the management drafts a policy statement to cover some features of its personnel programmes, the statement may …. On Recruitment, Professional Development and Evaluation of Staff: Mr. A learning institution cannot just rest on the promises of aggressive recruitment …. I smile when I remember so many helpful people who were contributed in my own learning, growing and developing.

I came from Lithuania 8 years ago, immediately after finishing my Secondary School. My first …. I draft here myself analysis study that describes my strengths and failings with groundss from what I have experienced in the yesteryear. Researching me reveals what went incorrect and what I have done to do things better. I realized that practising this sort of analysis …. Introduction The Nursing and Midwifery Council NMC has set out at least four domains of competencies for entry to the register in Adult Nursing. In this brief, I will focus on the second domain of communication and interpersonal skills. Communication plays a crucial role in …. Analyze the extent to which the approach relates to an organizational context known to you. Certificate in Education Module 7 — Report to compare teaching roles In any organisation there must be some structure and it is this that leads to a selection of teaching and management roles within education.

All roles are focused on the quality of service provided …. Personal and professional development planning is a consequence of successful structured and supported procedure undertaken by any single or group of single. It is their acquisition, experience, public presentation and their action program for the attainment of their personal, educational, societal development. ABSTRACT Bullying is known to be a widespread problem in schools and also in workplaces. It is not confined to the U. This study provides a consisting critical contemplation of my learning advancement. I will discourse the subjects that I found interesting during the bringing of Research in IT faculty and which i logged during my surveies. This study is split into subdivisions which will supply an …. Committed to a certain criterions of behavior is called the professionalism.

This declaration is force us more productive as a whole. This professional cognition that people see you in your manus as a messenger of their Company, section, concern, community, etc. The purpose of the assessment is to identify my weaknesses and strengths. It also helps in identifying some techniques …. It is however times like this that you will fine difference in opinions and as a result may find conflict amongst the team. This again Is for me to monitor this can be done though Supervisions which are done monthly or appraisals which are done …. Upon taking my university class I literally had no thought as to what I wanted to make. I knew I wanted to work in the Finance industry but that was about it.

By taking Accountancy and Financial Management it meant that I could get down …. So in this portfolio I made grounds which is supported by my ain advanced professional development diary. That includes my ain personal accomplishment audit, SWOT analysis, my learning manner alterations, skill acquisition with …. This paper will Identify and discuss two professional membership organizations and explain why each would be beneficial as a psychology …. Free Essays - PhDessay. com Work Profession Professionalism Professional Development. We've found 26 essays on Professional Development. Essay examples.

As you grow in your career , remember no one is born brilliant at their job. Every successful person has been learning and working at their skills for a long time — taking advantage of professional development opportunities over the entirety of their career. The professional world is becoming increasingly competitive and is constantly changing, so professional development and continual learning is more important than ever in being successful and achieving career goals. Technologies and best practices are evolving and progressing in every industry, making it crucial for both new and experienced professionals to continue developing their skills and honing their knowledge. Professional development refers to continuing education and career training after a person has entered the workforce in order to help them develop new skills, stay up-to-date on current trends, and advance their career.

Many fields require professionals to participate in continuing education and ongoing learning, sometimes as a prerequisite for keeping their job or to maintain their license, designation, or certification. In these cases, the field likely has specific continuing education CE or continuing professional education CPE requirements which must be completed through an approved continuing education provider. Even when not required, many professionals who want to excel in their career will voluntarily seek out professional development and learning opportunities.

One-third of employees say they do nothing to upgrade or improve their current skill set. The purpose of professional development is to give professionals the opportunity to learn and apply new knowledge and skills that can help them in their job and further their career. Professional development is all about building your skill set and knowledge base for your field. Professional development and professional training opportunities provide many other specific benefits for both young and experienced professionals. Some of these benefits are listed below, but this list is by no means comprehensive.

Professional development expands your knowledge base. Professional development and continuing education opportunities can expose both young and experienced professionals to new ideas, solidify their knowledge, and increase their expertise in their field. Those who actively seek out these learning opportunities are those who will benefit most from them. Professional development boosts confidence and credibility. Professional development courses, continuing education, and training opportunities allow professionals to build confidence and credibility as they acquire new skill sets and professional designations. Professional development increases earning potential and hireability. Professional development and continuing education offers both young and experienced professionals with opportunities to boost their earning potential and future hireability by increasing their knowledge and updating their skill sets.

Professional development can provide networking opportunities. Many professional development opportunities such as workshops, conferences, and other networking events allow professionals to branch out and meet other people within their industry who may be able to help them with career opportunities in the future. When you decide you want a change or are ready to move up in your career, your professional network and the professional relationships you forged will come in handy. Professional development keeps professionals current on industry trends. Professional development and continuing education and learning opportunities are great ways to stay up-to-date on industry knowledge and trends. Every professional industry is constantly evolving, so employees should use professional development and training opportunities to expand their knowledge base, learn new practices and techniques, and embrace new technology.

Professional development can open the door to future career changes. For professionals who are looking to make a complete career change or to pivot within their industry, new skills acquired through professional development training could be critical to opening new doors within their field or to transition to a new industry. But to find the right professional development opportunities that are best for you, you need to start with your career goals. Once you know your goals, it is easier to seek out and take advantage of the professional development opportunities that are right for you.

While continued learning and training opportunities are always important, there are many ways you can augment your professional development and invest in your career. Ways to improve your professional development include:. Most importantly, have a career plan. A career plan should include your timeline and milestones mentioned above along with your career goals and how you plan to achieve them. The most successful people in any industry who are satisfied in their careers proactively planned what they wanted from their career. As your career progresses and you gain a better understanding of your industry and what you want from a career, be sure to update your career plan.

Remember the specific professional development opportunities that are right for you will depend on your personal goals and, if your professional development is required for your job or license, what types your company or licensing board will accept. Obtaining a professional certification, license, or designation can help your career — and your salary. Have you ever been passed up for a job because other applicants had more training or certifications? The truth is relevant certifications, licenses, and designations for your field will only help your career.

For one, obtaining a designation or completing a certificate program not only demonstrates your training and knowledge but also a commitment to your career. Companies will rightfully think you truly want to contribute to their success and thereby your own success. If there are specific certifications or designations often required or desired in your industry, do what you can to obtain and maintain them. Completing an online certificate program demonstrate a real commitment to your career. It means you set goals-and achieve them. And you can do this through convenient online training. Successful insurance professionals always invest in their professional futures. Learn More About Professional Development for Insurance Producers. Every CFP ® professional understands the importance of professional development.

After all, the CFP ® certification has been the standard of excellence for financial professionals for over 30 years. But how should you invest in your professional development? Successful Certified Public Accountants CPAs and tax professionals know investing in their career is important. The professional world is always changing and is becoming more and more competitive. This makes professional development crucial for CPAs, tax preparers, and Enrolled Agents EAs who are ready to grow in their career and outpace the competition.

Successful real estate professionals understand how important it is to invest in their career. The real estate world is constantly changing, and you will always have to compete with new competitors. Learn More About Professional Development for Real Estate Agents and Brokers. Because their duties have expanded, so has the need for professional development. Learn More About Professional Development for Funeral and Cremation Professionals. At WebCE, we know education is an important part of professional development. WebCE offers online learning opportunities for professionals in several fields , ranging from insurance, finance, tax and accounting, real estate, and funeral. Propel your professional development and your career today with WebCE.

At WebCE, we are passionate about delivering exceptional professional development solutions. With world-class customer support and education to serve multiple professions, we're here to help professionals reach their career goals. Sign In Chat What Is Professional Development and Why Is It Important? by Trevor Antley Jul 16, Are you or your company looking for online workplace training, including anti-money laundering , fraud prevention , cybersecurity training , and continuing education courses? We can create a custom training program to fit your or your company's needs. Click here to learn more. Contents What Is Professional Development? Why Is Professional Development Important? What Is the Purpose of Professional Development? What Are the Benefits of Professional Development?

How Can I Improve My Professional Development? What Are Examples of Professional Development? What Is Professional Development? Obtain a Certification, License, or Professional Designation. Professional Development by Industry. Professional Development for Insurance Professionals Successful insurance professionals always invest in their professional futures. Learn More About Professional Development for Insurance Producers Professional Development for CFP ® Professionals Every CFP ® professional understands the importance of professional development. Begin Your Professional Development With Online Learning. CE Catalog Industry Training Certification Catalog.

Quick Links. Contact Us. Business Solutions. Special Offers. All Products. Business Continuity. Do Not Sell or Share My Information. Our Story. Our Technology. Technical Requirements. Copyright © WebCE®. All Rights Reserved.

Sample Essay On Professional Development,What Is Professional Development?

WebIntroduction This paper explores the concept of planning professional development to meet the needs of special education students by examining articles from scholarly WebIt is recommended that companies planning to design professional development programs create individual plans based on the following elements of design: gap identification, WebAug 27,  · Leadership and professional development is the bread and butter to a well established team. In this essay, a number of leadership and change management WebNov 27,  · As a nurse leader, the aim is to advocate for policies and decisions that will help the patient. Despite issues of rising medical costs, a nurse has an obligation to WebNov 26,  · Professional Development Reflection Essay Examples Type of paper: Essay Topic: Information, Skills, Services, Semester, Library, Development, Problem WebFor this essay I have audited my leadership skills using theoretical models and referred to specific situations and experiences. This encompasses personal, ... read more

For one, obtaining a designation or completing a certificate program not only demonstrates your training and knowledge but also a commitment to your career. Although history has shown time and again that some people are born leaders, far more people need some help to achieve their maximum potential in these leadership roles. Conflict generally sparks heated discussions with strong emotions and so being both personally and socially competent is of great importance. It has been described as intensive and collaborative, ideally incorporating an evaluative stage. This means that educators must provide interest to the results of professional development on the output of jobs, efficiency of organization, and the success of entire students. This helped to mould his idea of groups evolving via four common stages Craig

World Bank. This is why, according professional development essay Merriam's report, transformational educational strategies have emerged as among the preferred means of helping continuing learners through the process of professional educational engagement. Professional development essay Developing Teachers' Professional Learning: Canadian Evidence and Experiences in a World of Educational Improvement. The most effective professional development engages teams of teachers to focus on the needs of their students. Teacher and Educational Development Words: Becoming a better teacher: Learning from our mistakes. Analysis Of Project Management And Professional Development Education Essay I draft here myself analysis study that describes my strengths and failings with groundss from what I have experienced in the yesteryear, professional development essay.

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